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I can not login to the site with my username & password


If you have previously been able to log into the site and can no longer do so, the problem may be one of the following reasons:

  • Your username was entered incorrectly too many times. You have to enter the username and password EXACTLY as you entered them when you signed up. The server is cAsE sEnSItiVE, and upper and lower case must be correct or the login will be rejected.
  • Your membership has expired. This could happen because either your credit card has expired, a rebilling attempt failed, your card had insufficient funds or credit availability. You will need to contact your financial institution for resolution. If your membership has expired, you are very welcome to join the site again, just click here.
  • Your login was disabled by our security system for "abuse". Please contact us

If you are unsure please contact us, click here.

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Article details
Article ID: 24
Category: Username and password
Date added: 2013-02-12 23:45:58
Views: 6270
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.3/5.0 (224)

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