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I just joined a site and I can't get in


There are a few steps to ensure your membership was processed correctly. Please follow the list to ensure you have completed the membership process.


  • Step 1. Check your email. If your membership was processed and approved by the credit card processor you will receive a welcome email confirming your membership. If you did not receive an email, please check your financial institution to ensure you where charged for your membership. If you have received the email, go to step 2. If you did not receive an email and you were not charged, you will need to sign up again since the membership was not completed. If you would like us to verify if you have an active membership CCBill or, click here. Please explain in the extra text area that you would like us to confirm a membership.
  • Step 2. Wait the recommended 10 minutes to ensure your information was entered into our system and is active. If you have waited the full 10 minutes and are still unable to access the site you joined, click here. Please explain in the text area that you waited the 10 minutes and still could not access the site.
  • Step 3. Check your username and password: this information is cAse SEnSitIvE. Please ensure you are using the correct username and password for the site you joined. If you still have access problems, click here. Your membership is good only for the site you joined.
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Article details
Article ID: 23
Category: Username and password
Date added: 2013-02-12 23:41:15
Views: 5234
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.3/5.0 (218)

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