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Receive a 'Log in Failure' message upon trying to Log In


You may be entering your information wrong and if so send send us an email and we'll look into why you can not log in.  This may come up for several reasons.  

Improper key-in of CaSe SensitiVE characters.  

Re-occurring charges may not have occurred and subscription expired

switched username/password

or maybe logging in to the wrong sign in page.

If you just joined, please wait 10 minutes to be sure that your purchase was processed.  Also check your email as after signup you will receive an email with your site access and log in information.  If you waited 10 minutes and know your transaction was process successfully send us an email

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Article details
Article ID: 1
Category: Access Issues/Technical Support
Date added: 2013-02-08 00:29:36
Views: 39277
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.0/5.0 (1139)

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